Monday 16 June 2008

Wahlberg's Daughter Not Happy With Another Brother

Actor Mark Wahlberg and his longtime girlfriend Rhea Durham are delighted they are expecting a baby boy - but the couple's four-year-old daughter is not so impressed. Durham is due to give birth this autumn to the couple's third child and they have just found out the sex of the unborn tot. But Wahlberg admits not everyone in their household is happy at the news - because young Ella wanted a baby sister to dress up. He tells, "My daughter was extremely disappointed when she found out that we were having a boy - she wanted a little sister. "She already had all these plans of dressing a little sister up in clothes. But I told her, 'Honey, that means you'll be more spoiled than the boys.' She goes, 'Oh, daddy, I didn't think of that!'" Wahlberg and Durham also have a two-year-old son together, named Michael.

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